Wine stories at the Monastery of Sant Benet

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Place: Món Sant Benet
Price: 15.00€

Did you know that the monastery of Sant Benet was a great producer of wine? For centuries, monks made a wide variety of wines, some of them in large quantities. We suggest you join us on an itinerary to rediscover the monastery through this popular drink.

Wine has been in the spirit of the monastery for centuries and has shaped its landscape, but also its architecture, economy and of course spirituality. We want to tell you about this and other curiosities about the magnificent monastery and its wine past.

Therefore, in collaboration between the DO Pla de Bages and Món Sant Benet we have created this visit that we end with a wine tasting with the presence of the wineries of the DO Pla de Bages.

Wine purchase option: Once the tasting is over, participants will have the option of purchasing the wine pack that will be tasted during the activity.

Duration of the visit: 1h and 30min

Languages: Catalan

Maximum capacity: 20 people

From Sunday tickets can be purchased at the monastery box office.

Any questions you can call 93 875 94 01 or write to

Price: €15 adult - €7 child

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